Thursday, October 25, 2012

What Does Alex Rodriguez Have to do with IIR USA?

Commitments, contracts, guarantees, if only the Yankees had an extra $240 Million, who knows, maybe Albert Pujols would be wearing pinstripes right now. The Yankees superstar 3rd baseman Alex Rodriguez went 3 for 25 at .120 in the post season this year. If this wasn’t bad enough since joining the Bronx Bombers, Rodriguez  has just one World Series win in pinstripes.  His most recent deal signed back in 2007 was for $275 million over 10 years according to ESPN.  After this year, the front office needs to be thinking about its R.O.I.
OAKLAND, CA - MAY 31:  Alex Rodriguez #13 of t...
Alex Rodriguez #13 of the New York Yankees. (Image: Getty Images via @daylife)

How does the richest Major League Baseball team relieve itself from this burden? The answer is simple look to the secondary market.  One thing we know, that there is always a buyer and a seller – it comes down to price.  The Yankees made an investment in Rodriguez and while they may have received some return, perhaps it is time to head for the exit. 

Looking to the secondary market for relief is something that many investors do on a regular basis. Investors privately seek out their peers to take over their commitments in funds and relieve them of the “burdens” on their portfolios. Exiting the fund or perhaps in this case making a trade allows the capital to be deployed to better investment opportunities.

Views from the desk of the IIR production staff: The secondaries market will continue to grow throughout 2013. And as for the Yanks, number 28 coming in 2013.

Whatever the future may hold for Alex Rodriquez, one thing is for sure, Market Leaders in Secondaries, taking place December 4th in NYC is going to be a homerun!  


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