Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Innovations in Ag are Making Headlines

Earlier this week the Wall Street Journal had a special report on innovations in agriculture. The report outlined a series of fascinating advances in agriculture technology, farming, irrigation and biotechnology – some of the very topics, we've been researching here at the Institute for International Research.

Water Scarcity
Water Scarcity (Photo: Alejandro Peters)
With the risk of food and resource scarcity ever-looming, many entrepreneurs and multinationals are innovating to solve food-related issues, running the gamut from solving water scarcity to improving the taste of a tomato.

Scarcity can often lead to invention and innovation, and agriculture is no exception.

At IIR’s AgReturn Global Investments conference next month, you’ll be able to take it a step further by getting on-the-ground insight into investing in agriculture innovations, what links in the food chain are ripe for opportunity and how to best diversify your portfolio – without worrying if agriculture is the next cleantech.

The Journal report details how environmental issues like the recent drought are impacting farmers – and at events like Agreturn, you’ll be able to dive into how that impacts your portfolio or your targeted investments in farmland with experts on the ground.


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