Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hedge Wisely – GAIM USA!

GAIM USA 2013 is fast approaching and our speakers and topics are trending in top publications and on national television.  Today, we bring you a special GAIM USA aggregation feed. Enjoy.

Staying a step ahead in the tough markets: Patrick Wolff

Debt and War: Kyle Bass

Neuroscience, trading and hedge funds culture: Denise Shull

High Frequency Trading – Chapter and Verse: HFT

Tail Risk: to buy or not to buy.  Hedging

Pensions. Pensions.  Pensions.  New ideas

At GAIM USA 2013: the discussion will be fast, the debate will be furious. Hedge Wisely and make your Boca.


Unknown said...

Now is definitely the time to hedge, especially with all that money being printed. Best place to hedge is in alternative assets
such as these in forestry, gold or agricultural land that are uncorrelated to financial assets.

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